Can professional carpet cleaners get out dog urine?

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asked Mar 5, 2020 in laundry/Cleaning by Laranley (410 points)
Can professional carpet cleaners get out dog urine?

1 Answer

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answered Mar 6, 2020 by Cathy21 (85,770 points)
Yes professional carpet cleaners should be able to get dog urine out of carpet with ease.

The professional carpet cleaners should have some professional odor neutralizing cleaning products that can clean up dog urine and cat urine and human urine etc.

I have my carpet professionally cleaned at least once per year in the spring and they have been able to get both human urine smell and human urine as well as dog urine out of my carpet.

The cost of the carpet cleaning is around $100.00 and it's well worth it to clean the carpet professionally once per year.

The cost of carpet cleaning can vary but it's usually not all that expensive and they have good professional cleaners and equipment.

You can also use vinegar and baking soda to help remove dog urine as well as human and cat urine from carpet and then use a carpet cleaning machine on the carpet.

Or go to the store and buy some urine odor neutralizer and use that in your carpet cleaning machine as well or rent a carpet cleaning machine.

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