How much does an artificial leg cost?

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asked Feb 26, 2020 in Other- Health by Quoray (200 points)
How much does an artificial leg cost?

1 Answer

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answered Feb 26, 2020 by Jamie (44,960 points)
Artificial legs or prosthetic legs can cost between $5,000.00 to as much as $50,000.00 depending on the type of prosthetic leg or artificial leg you want or need.

Most people will only need the cheaper artificial leg or prosthetic leg.

The regular artificial legs that are not computerized cost the lowest while the more advanced prosthetic legs cost the most.

Most health insurance should cover the cost of the artificial leg because you likely had to have your leg amputated for medical reasons or your leg could have been amputated in a car wreck or other accident.

You might have to pay a small copay payment but health insurance should cover most of the cost of the artificial leg.

Also keep in mind that artificial legs do not last forever.

You will usually need to get a new artificial leg after 5 or 6 years because they do eventually wear out from use.

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