What does Epsom salt do for rose bushes?

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asked Feb 10, 2020 in Gardening by 1123Dethan (350 points)
What does Epsom salt do for rose bushes?

1 Answer

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answered Feb 10, 2020 by Grahlu (51,270 points)
Epsom salt helps benefits roses by helping the rose bushes grow fuller.

Epsom salt also helps new rose bushes bloom sooner in the year and it also helps the roses stems grow stronger so they don't break as easily.

You mix the Epsom salt with water in a sprayer and then spray the rose bushes with the Epsom Salt.

To apply the Epsom Salt to the roses add one tablespoon of Epsom salt to a gallon of water for each foot of bush height. Spray the foliage as soon as the leaves begin to open in spring time and once again when your roses start flowering.

You can apply the Epsom salt to the roses every few weeks to once per month but don't use too much Epsom salt to the roses as it could kill them.

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