How do you get a blood stain out of a microfiber couch?

+1 vote
asked Feb 3, 2020 in laundry/Cleaning by indresh32432 (290 points)
How do you get a blood stain out of a microfiber couch?

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Feb 18, 2020 by Christeen (70,120 points)
When you have a blood stain in a microfiber couch you can usually get the blood stain out of the microfiber couch using some club soda and cold water.

To use the club soda and water to get the blood stain out of your microfiber couch mix a cup of cold water with a bit of club soda, and pour it onto the affected area.

Then let it sit for a few minutes and then try blotting the area with a damp cloth and use vinegar if needed.

If the blood stain is still in the couch then you may need to use some vinegar and baking soda and allow it to sit on the blood stain for 10 minutes or so and it should help lift the blood stain out.

Then if you have an upholstery cleaner use the upholstery cleaning machine to help lift the blood stain and baking soda out of the couch.

Another way to get blood stains out of couches including a microfiber couch is to mix one tablespoon of dish detergent with two cups of cold water.

Then take a clean white cloth, and start sponging the stain with the liquid cleaning solution.

Continue to dab the stain with the solution until the stain disappears.

Then, sponge again with cold water and blot dry.

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