Does daytime cold medicine keep you awake?

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asked Jan 27, 2020 in Other- Health by allsokas (300 points)
Does daytime cold medicine keep you awake?

1 Answer

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answered Jan 28, 2020 by Gracy (132,100 points)
Some daytime cold medicine when taken at night can keep some people awake at night.

The reason some daytime cold medicines can keep some people awake at night is due to an ingredient such as pseudoephedrine.

If you want to get sleep then I would recommend taking some NyQuil night time cold medicine that helps ease the symptoms of the cold virus as well as helps you drift off to sleep.

Taking cold medicine when you have the cold can help to ease the symptoms so you're not feeling as miserable and the cold medicine can help with congestion as well.

So I would recommend taking some cold medicine and not just letting the cold virus run it's course.

But if you want to just let the cold virus run it's course without taking cold medicine then you can do that as well.

The cold medicine won't make the cold virus go away sooner but it will ease the symptoms.

Either way the cold virus should go away on it's own within a few weeks at most.

The time it takes for cold medicine to kick in and start working is around 30 minutes.

The time for cold medicine to kick in can vary depending on the medicine but you should start seeing results within 30 minutes to an hour.

However be aware though that cold medicine can only ease the symptoms of the cold virus and flu virus and cannot actually get rid of the cold or flu virus.

So you won't really recover any faster when taking cold or flu medicine for the cold or flu but the cold and flu medicine can help ease the symptoms and make you feel a bit better.

Make sure you're staying hydrated and getting plenty of Vitamin C such as by eating oranges, drinking orange juice etc.

There's no cure for the flu or cold and just letting it run it's course is usually about all you can do but it's okay to take some cold and flu medicine to make you feel better.

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