Do you miss being a kid?

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asked Jan 19, 2020 in Polls/Surveys by kosmicblow (300 points)
Do you miss being a kid?

1 Answer

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answered Jan 19, 2020 by Shelde (49,390 points)
I do sometimes miss being a kid but I would not go back to being a kid even if it were possible.

I'm still a kid at heart though even though I'm an adult now but I would not want to actually be a kid physically anymore.

When you're a kid you cannot drive, stay home alone, need a babysitter, have to go everywhere your parents are, have to go to school, have a bed time etc.

Being a kid sounds nice and it was okay for me when I was a kid but I would not want it back because there are too many restrictions when you're a kid.

I love being able to get into my truck or car and just drive wherever I need to drive or want to drive so that's one thing I wouldn't want to give up.

Also you have to deal with CPS if someone calls the CPS on your parents which has happened to me for simple little things.

Being a kid is somewhat fun but it's not a really fun time like some people make it out to be.

I'd rather be an adult and I'm glad the baby, toddler, little kid and kid stage of our lives or at least of my life didn't last all that long.

In my opinion that time went by too slow even though my parents said it went by fast.

It's usually fun for the parents to have a kid but the kid is not always happy being a kid and having all those restrictions.

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