Do second degree burns need medical attention?

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asked Dec 29, 2019 in Body/Skin by njki89h (410 points)
Do second degree burns need medical attention?

1 Answer

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answered Dec 29, 2019 by Christeen (70,120 points)
Not all second degree burns need medical attention.

But if the second degree burn covers large parts of the body then the second degree burn needs medical attention as it can cause infections if not treated.

If the second degree burn is just covering a small area of the body such as less than 4 to 6 inches then it usually does not need medical attention.

If you're in doubt or the burn seems to get worse or it's becoming infected then see a doctor or go to the emergency room.

If the second degree burn covers a large part of the body then go to the emergency room or urgent care for medical attention.

Seek medical attention for the second degree burn if the skin that looks white, very deep red, or very dark brown.

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