Is it OK to shower every day?

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asked Dec 15, 2019 in Body/Skin by Cokellog (330 points)
Is it OK to shower every day?

1 Answer

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answered Dec 15, 2019 by Niko (18,430 points)
If you actually need to take a shower everyday to stay clean because you either work in a dirty environment or get sweaty a lot then there's nothing wrong with taking a shower everyday.

I take a shower everyday for work but on the weekends I might skip the showers then unless I happen to get dirty enough or it's summertime and I'm sweating a lot.

Sweat makes me feel really gross so I take 2 showers per day in the summertime to get all that sweat off me when I'm outside working in the summer sun or just outside in the summer heat.

But during winter or spring I will sometimes just go the weekend without showering or bathing and I'm okay.

Taking a shower or bathing everyday can actually do more harm than good to your skin by stripping off the natural essential oils that your skin produces which can cause dry skin.

So if you want to skip a shower every other day or so it's okay to do so.

But if you want to take a shower or bath everyday that is okay as well.

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