How big are Great Pyrenees puppies?

0 votes
asked Dec 13, 2019 in Dogs by BaileyHin (240 points)
How big are Great Pyrenees puppies?

1 Answer

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answered Dec 14, 2019 by Jaybird (12,310 points)
Great Pyrenees Puppies when born are about the same size as other large dog breed puppies even though the Great Pyrenees dog is a big dog when full grown.

The puppies that are born from the mother great Pyrenees are just about average size of other puppies that are born.

A Great Pyrenees female dog can give birth to between 7 to 10 puppies at the same time and they will grow a lot in the years that they are around before they become full grown.

If you're thinking about getting a Great Pyrenees puppy you should remember that they grow into huge dogs although they are a very lovable dog breed they require a lot of food, room to run and are overall huge dogs.

So while that cute puppy may seem like it's easy to care for be sure to remember that that dog will grow into a very large dog.

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