What temperature should bath water be for a pregnant woman?

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asked Dec 5, 2019 in Pregnancy by cook68yu (310 points)
What temperature should bath water be for a pregnant woman?

1 Answer

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answered Dec 5, 2019 by Minty (132,850 points)
The recommended bath water temperature when pregnant is 98 F or below.

Any temperature of above 98 F for the bath water when you're pregnant puts the baby and pregnancy at risk because if the bath water is too hot, it can reduce blood flow to the baby, which puts the baby under stress.

So as long as you don't let the water get any hotter than 98 F your pregnancy will be fine.

You can use a bath thermometer to measure the water temperature in the bathtub so that you can get the correct water temperature and not harm your baby.

Taking a bath during pregnancy is fine as long as you don't bathe in too hot of water.

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