Is an aisle or window seat better for long flights?

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asked Nov 22, 2019 in Planes by 091892367 (300 points)
Is an aisle or window seat better for long flights?

1 Answer

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answered Nov 24, 2019 by Shelde (49,390 points)
Window seats on airplanes during long flights are good to be able to see outside and have a good view which takes your mind off the long flight.

However I prefer mostly to fly in an aisle seat because I have to go pee a lot so it makes it easier to get out of your airplane seat and go to the restroom on the airplane without having to go around someone else on the airplane.

With an aisle seat you just get up and go to the restroom and then go back to your seat so it saves time in having to get to the restroom.

Most people prefer to sit in the aisle seat if they can and the rest go to the window seat.

If you have bladder issues either wear a diaper on the airplane or sit in an aisle seat so you can get to the restroom easier.

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