How do you stay calm during turbulence?

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asked Nov 22, 2019 in Planes by deactivated5d6 (200 points)
How do you stay calm during turbulence?

1 Answer

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answered Nov 24, 2019 by Minty (132,850 points)
When you get anxiety or scared during turbulence on an airplane try chewing some gum or sucking on a straw if you have one.

Also you could try turning up the music and listening to some calm relaxing music or even just take a sleeping pill and sleep through the flight and you won't likely even notice the turbulence.

What kept my 2 year old calm during turbulence is he sucked on a pacifier which he did anyway and I'm glad I didn't take the pacifier away from him earlier as it was a lifesaver and saved a lot of fussing on the airplane.

You can also try massaging your forehead or pressure points on your head or clench your buttocks during the turbulence.

Turbulence can seem scary but it's usually nothing to be worried about and now after going through several flights and going through several instances of turbulence I no longer am frightened about it.

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