When is a kid too old to use a pacifier?

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asked Nov 19, 2019 in Kids Health by Gen007 (320 points)
When is a kid too old to use a pacifier?

Yesterday while in Walmart I saw an 8 year old boy sucking on a pacifier while shopping with his mom.

Isn't 8 years old too old to be sucking on a pacifier?

2 Answers

0 votes
answered Nov 19, 2019 by Jamie (44,840 points)
8 years old is certainly too old for a kid to be using a pacifier especially out in public.

At 8 years old I would think the kid would be too embarrassed to be out sucking a pacifier unless he or she had a mental disability.

But if the child has no mental disability then the 8 year old should not be using a pacifier and I'm surprised nobody makes fun of the 8 year old.

I wonder if the 8 year old goes to school using a pacifier and if so what happens there.

I'm sure kids make fun of the kid if they use a pacifier in school.

A pacifier should be taken away by the time the child turns 2 or 3 and no later than 4 years old because pacifiers can affect teeth and affect the speech development of the child.
0 votes
answered Nov 19, 2019 by Pamperslover (25,840 points)
I wish I was that kid sucking the pacifier at 8 years old.

I'm an adult and suck a pacifier too and suck my pacifier in public as well and nobody says anything.

I also went to the beach last summer and wore nothing but a diaper, shoes, shirt and had my pacifier in my mouth and I sat there in the sand playing in the sand with toy trucks and a shovel and bucket making sand castles and pushing the sand around with the trucks and it was so much fun.

I have a sand box in my back yard as well and get out there and play with my toy trucks in just my diaper in the summer and spring months or when it's warm enough to do so.

My yard is privacy fenced in so it's not an issue with anybody seeing and it's fun.

I wear diapers all the time and gave up the toilet and I'm wondering if the boy was wearing a diaper as well?

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