Does peroxide get rid of tonsil stones?

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asked Nov 14, 2019 in Other- Health by Ultretocami (380 points)
Does peroxide get rid of tonsil stones?

1 Answer

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answered Nov 15, 2019 by kispycristy (500 points)
Yes peroxide can help get rid of tonsil stones and you should mix a 50/50 solution of hydrogen peroxide and water and then gargle with it for as long as you can and then spit it out.

Then repeat the gargling 2 or 3 times per day to help clean your tonsils and get rid of bacteria in your mouth.

You can also have the tonsil stones removed manually by a doctor or have your tonsils removed entirely by a surgeon and when you do not have the tonsils anymore then you cannot get tonsil stones.

To have tonsil stones removed you need to see your doctor or go to urgent care and see someone who is an ear, nose and throat specialist.

A surgeon at a hospital is likely able to safely remove tonsil stones but a dentist usually won't be able to do so.

When I was at a dentist office someone came into the dentist with tonsil stones needing removed and the dentist said they should go to the emergency room or see their doctor to have the tonsil stones removed.

So you should speak with your doctor about getting the tonsil stones removed as they can usually remove the tonsil stones.

The emergency room would be able to remove the tonsil stones as well but it would cost a lot more at the emergency room.

You can also try gargling with warm salt water or apple cider vinegar which can sometimes dislodge the tonsil stones and kill the bacteria that could be causing the tonsil stones.

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