What is the best age to get hair transplant?

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asked Nov 4, 2019 in Hair by TieKete (360 points)
What is the best age to get hair transplant?

1 Answer

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answered Nov 5, 2019 by Amance (400 points)
You can get a hair transplant at any age but the best age to get a hair transplant is around age 30 years old.

Hair transplant surgeons suggest age 30 be the best age for a hair transplant but you can wait a little longer or get the hair transplant earlier.

Of course if you're losing your hair at an older age then you can get a hair transplant then as well.

There's no set age that you have to be to get a hair transplant done and if you want to and can afford the cost of a hair transplant you can go to a hair transplant surgeon and have it done.

The cost of a hair transplant ranges from $4,000.00 to $15,000.00 so it's not cheap but worth it if you need the hair transplant or even want the hair transplant and have the money to pay for it.

Since hair transplants are usually considered to be cosmetic that means that most health insurance won't cover the cost of hair transplants.

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