How long does it take to pay off a student loan?

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asked Oct 8, 2019 in Financial Aid by Benisy1234 (420 points)
How long does it take to pay off a student loan?

2 Answers

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answered Oct 8, 2019 by Judy (56,120 points)
The time it takes to pay off a student loan can depend on how much student loan debt you owe.

The more student loan debt you owe the longer it will take to pay off.

For me I've been paying on my student loan for 10 years now and I still have another 10 years before I get it paid off hopefully.

I would have had the student loan debt paid off but I lost my job for awhile and couldn't make any payments on the student loan debt.

If you can pay more than the minimum monthly payment on the student loan debt to get it paid off you will pay the student loan debt off sooner.

But for most people it takes at least 21 to 22 years to pay off the student loan debt.
0 votes
answered Apr 3, 2022 by Christeenlia (30,340 points)
Paying off a student loan can take as little as 10 years or as long as 20 years.

Some people never fully pay off their student loans and remain in debt for a very long time.

However not paying anything on a student loan can ruin your credit so you should pay back the student loan as much as you can.

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