How much does it cost to convert a shed into a tiny house?

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asked Oct 7, 2019 in Do it yourself by gulionbinoy (320 points)
How much does it cost to convert a shed into a tiny house?

1 Answer

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answered Oct 8, 2019 by Niko (18,430 points)
To be able to convert a shed into a tiny house can cost from as little as $800.00 to as much as $4,000.00 and sometime more.

If you do the work yourself then the cost will be just in the materials needed to convert the shed into a tiny house.

If you want electricity, water etc and are not sure how to install those things you'll need to hire a plumber and electrician.

If you can do most of the work yourself then you should be able to convert the shed into a tiny house for around $1,000.00 to $2,000.00

But of course like I said the cost can vary depending on what you want to put into the tiny house.

You'll also need to make sure your location allows you to convert a shed into a tiny house because some places may not allow it.

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