How long does it take for a money tree to grow?

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asked Sep 18, 2019 in Gardening by CynhaJmee (300 points)
How long does it take for a money tree to grow?

1 Answer

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answered Sep 18, 2019 by Jamie (44,960 points)
The money tree is a pretty fast growing tree and outdoor money trees can grow up to 60 feet which can take 5 or 10 years depending on the climate and in some cases the outdoor money tree may take longer than 10 years to fully grow.

Indoor money trees usually grow up to 3 to 6 feet and within a year or 2 years the money tree might reach full height.

The money tree should begin to grow within a couple weeks after you plant it from the seed as long as the money tree has sufficient light, water and nutrients in the soil.

Money trees only need to be watered once per week or once every other week depending on how much water it likes.

When the soil gets dry then it's time to water the money tree but just avoid over watering the money tree or it can cause root rot and death to the money tree.

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