Is it normal to smell smoke from a fireplace?

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asked Sep 17, 2019 in Other-Home/Garden by njuksrush (300 points)
Is it normal to smell smoke from a fireplace?

3 Answers

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answered Sep 17, 2019 by Guvy099 (380 points)
When burning wood in a wood burning fireplace it's normal to have a slight smell of smoke coming into the house especially when you first light the fireplace.

And it's normal for some fireplaces to smell like smoke a little bit when burning but you should not smell a lot of smoke smell coming from your fireplace.

A normal and proper operating wood burning fireplace is supposed to send the smoke smell outside the house through the fireplace chimney.

You could have outside air being sucked into the room somehow so I would get the chimney checked out by a fireplace expert or chimney sweep to be sure the chimney is clean and working properly.

Sometimes it's possible that a chimney may not be installed correctly or sealed properly allowing air to be sucked into the house.

I get a small amount of smoke smell coming into my house when lighting the fireplace and for a little bit while it's burning but after a few hours the smoke smell goes away.

You shouldn't smell a lot of smoke coming into your house and if you do then something is wrong.
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answered Dec 22, 2020 by Andret (4,200 points)

Hello. In general yes. I agree with previous answer. But also I can say that you need to check your chimney regularly because it may need cleaning. It is quite important for fire security. Also I recommend to buy some of the best fireplace screens, it provides a lot of benefits.

0 votes
answered Dec 22, 2020 by garcia98 (2,180 points)
A slight smoke smell is normal from a fireplace or even wood stove.

However if the fireplace or wood stove chimney is clean and drawing properly then it should not put out much if any smoke in the house.

The chimney also should not be smoking too much either.

If you're getting a lot of smoke out of the chimney then the wood is probably not dry enough to be burned.

The wood needs to be dry enough to burn and not green.

Also if the chimney is not tall enough then the chimney will not draw good enough and cause the fireplace to not burn properly and make the chimney smoke more.

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