What are the signs of a broken knee?

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asked Sep 10, 2019 in Pain by MaryRBrink (310 points)
What are the signs of a broken knee?

1 Answer

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answered Sep 11, 2019 by Judy (56,120 points)
If you break your knee somehow there will be signs of the broken knee such as swelling around the kneecap.

Other signs of a broken knee are severe pain that occurs in and around the kneecap, pain when you move your knee in both directions, tenderness when pressing on the kneecap and a deformed appearance of the knee caused by the fractured pieces when you broken your knee.

Another sign of a broken knee is the difficulty extending your leg or doing a straight-leg raise.

If you have a broken knee or think you may have a broken knee you should see a doctor or go to urgent care or the emergency room to get the broken knee fixed before it becomes worse.

When you leave a broken knee untreated the pain will get worse and then the untreated broken knee will not heal properly which will result in visible deformities, misalignment, limited movement, and infection.

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