Do all speeding tickets show up on your insurance?

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asked Aug 22, 2019 in Insurance/Registration by Kjafillnety (300 points)
Do all speeding tickets show up on your insurance?

1 Answer

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answered Aug 24, 2019 by liana (37,450 points)
In most cases every speeding ticket that you get as a driver will eventually show up on your insurance and will usually increase your auto insurance rates.

However your auto insurance rates will usually not go up right away nor will the speeding ticket immediately affect your auto insurance rates after getting the speeding ticket.

Insurance companies will usually not look up your driving record every month but instead the insurance company will pull your driving record up at the end of the year or when your car insurance is coming up for renewal.

Then before that date they will usually pull up your driving record and check for any speeding tickets, accidents etc and then it affects your insurance rates.

If you do get a speeding ticket it can raise your auto insurance up quite a bit but the amount depends on your auto insurance company and your current driving record.

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