How long does a landlord have to keep a tenant belongings?

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asked Aug 12, 2019 in Real Estate - Renting by Lusty78609 (200 points)
How long does a landlord have to keep a tenant belongings?

1 Answer

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answered Aug 12, 2019 by Minty (132,850 points)
If you're renting an apartment or house from a landlord and you get evicted from the apartment or house through a court order.

Then you have 72 hours to get your belongings after the eviction happens.

The landlord only has to keep your belongings for the 72 hours after eviction and even if you move out and do not come back to get your belongings within 72 hours the landlord can dispose of your belongings.

So if you have things you want to keep then you must get the belongings from the apartment or house you're renting within the 72 hour period.

If not then the landlord has the right to throw your belongings away, sell them or throw them out on the curb.

Once you get evicted by the court you need to begin getting your stuff and then move out or the police will show up at your door and force you out of the home or apartment.

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