3 year old son will only poop when wearing a diaper?

+1 vote
asked Aug 6, 2019 in Toddler/Preschooler by GC1710 (310 points)
3 year old son will only poop when wearing a diaper?

I'm potty training my 3 year old son and he is using the potty okay for peeing but when it comes time to poop he asks for a diaper to be put on or will go get the diaper and try to put the diaper on himself.

He then poops just fine in the diaper but refuses to poop in the toilet.

How can I get my 3 year old to poop in the toilet instead of asking for diapers?

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Aug 7, 2019 by Judy (56,120 points)
A 3 year old or any child potty training and wanting a diaper for pooping is normal and you're not alone in this.

My child refused to poop in the potty for awhile as well so I just let him wear the diaper for pooping because I didn't want him to be constipated or get health problems from holding back his poop.

Eventually when he was getting near 5 years old he stopped wanting the diaper to poop and he just started pooping in the toilet on his own since he decided he was too big for diapers.

As they get older they will not usually want to wear diapers and they will want to be a big kid and will naturally be ashamed of wearing diapers and not want to be diaper changed anymore.

I would just let the child wear the diapers for pooping as long as your child is continuing to pee in the potty and then eventually your child will start pooping in the potty.

If not you can just stop giving him diapers or not buy anymore diapers unless you have another baby that wears diapers.

If you do then put the diapers away from the child you're potty training and use underwear and just deal with cleaning up the underwear when your child poops in their underwear.

You'll actually miss the days eventually when your child no longer needs to wear diapers so I wouldn't hurry up too soon about getting them fully out of diapers.

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