Can you get expelled for cheating in high school?

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asked Jul 23, 2019 in Other-Education by jk98farmersse (300 points)
Can you get expelled for cheating in high school?

2 Answers

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answered Jul 23, 2019 by Minty (132,850 points)
Yes you can be eventually expelled from school for cheating on your school work in high school.

However you usually do not get expelled for cheating in high school on the first offense but instead if it's your first time cheating in high school on your school work then you'll usually first be placed on academic probation and have your school work carefully monitored.

Then if you get caught cheating again then you will likely just be suspended from school for a period of time and then if you get caught a third time cheating on your school work in high school you'll usually be expelled from high school then.

You can then go to a different school in a different school district though if you did get expelled from school but you cannot go back to the same school you got expelled from.

Cheating in some schools may even get you expelled right away if they have a zero tolerance policy in those schools for cheating.

But most times you'll get a warning about the cheating on your school work before you actually get expelled or suspended from high school.
0 votes
answered Jul 8, 2020 by Djonatan (2,260 points)

Yes, you can be suspended or even expelled from school if you cheating on exam or use someone else’s essay and pass it off as your homework. I know that any text of a written assignment should have some percentage of uniqueness, and if you get more like someone else’s text, then you can be excluded. Therefore, I advise you to check this and use cite 4 me if you need to rewrite your essay or other written assignment quickly and efficiently.

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