How can I keep skunks away from my property?

+1 vote
asked Jul 6, 2019 in Other-Home/Garden by Mike68 (330 points)
How can I keep skunks away from my property?

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Jul 6, 2019 by Grahlu (51,270 points)
There are several ways to get rid of skunks and keep skunks away from your property and one way is to shoot the skunks if possible and if you're allowed to shoot a gun in your area.

Shooting the skunks is a sure way of getting rid of skunks and keeping the skunks away from your property and helps prevent you or anyone else from getting sprayed by the skunk.

Some other ways of keeping skunks away from your property and getting rid of skunks from your property is to make loud noises and turn on lights.

Skunks are scared of loud noises and hate loud noises and when you see a skunk and start turning on lights and making loud noises the skunk will usually become uncomfortable and will run away.

So by making loud noises and turning on lights the skunk will usually run off without trying to spray you as long as you stay hidden away from the skunk.

You can also place motion activated sprinklers in the yard so that when a skunk gets near the motion activated sprinkler device the sprinklers will turn on automatically and then the skunk or skunks will take off and likely not come back.

If the skunk does come back to the area they'll get sprayed again with the water from the motion activated sprinklers and eventually learn to not return to the area.

Hot Pepper spray is another way to repel the skunks as they hate the hot pepper spray and will not go near the area or will leave the area where the hot pepper spray is.

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