Do Walmart employees get paid time off?

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asked Jul 5, 2019 in Employment & Careers by kpember1 (320 points)
Do Walmart employees get paid time off?

1 Answer

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answered Jul 5, 2019 by Minty (132,850 points)
Yes all Walmart Employees do get paid time off of work.

However the Walmart Employees must earn the paid time off work at Walmart otherwise they will not get paid for the time off of work.

When the Walmart Employees earn the paid time off they can earn up to 48 hours of paid time off of work if they need to leave work for an emergency, sickness, etc.

However if the Walmart Employee takes too much time off of work or calls in sick to work too often then they could be terminated from the Job.

So only use the earned paid time off work when you really need too.

If you're a bit sick and can still work then it's best to just go into work and get paid and avoid getting terminated.

Jobs are hard to come by so if you have a job then stick with it as much as you can.

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