Why do my joints hurt when it's cold?

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asked Jun 6, 2019 in Pain by snowbeltj90 (300 points)
Why do my joints hurt when it's cold?

1 Answer

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answered Jun 6, 2019 by Gracy (132,100 points)
Joints can and do hurt when it gets cold out but it's not really because of the cold weather itself.

During the cold weather the barometric pressure changes which creates pressure on your joints and then that's the cause of your joints hurting more when it gets cold.

When the weather warms up and the barometric pressure changes again then your pain in your joints lessens because there's less pressure in the air being put on your joints.

Another reason for stiff joints in cold weather is due to the blood flow being less during the during the cold weather.

A lot of people who suffer from arthritis have more pain on their joints during cold weather which is normal and it will lessen as the weather warms up.

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