Why would my car start and then die?

+1 vote
asked Jun 4, 2019 in Repairs/Maintenance by bumpkinpie (320 points)
Why would my car start and then die?

Whenever I start my car it idles for a few seconds and then dies and won't stay running unless I constantly press the gas pedal back and forth.

It still is bogging down when I press the gas pedal down back and forth to move the throttle back and forth and then when I let off the gas pedal the car stalls immediately.

It's also hard to start but when I spray starter fluid in the throttle body it starts right up so it seems like it's not getting fuel.

But I can't tell because I have no one to watch the throttle body while I start the vehicle.

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Jun 5, 2019 by MrMoonPie (10,690 points)
There are several different reasons that a car will start and then die but since you said you can start it easily with some starting fluid the problem could be your fuel injectors or fuel pump not allowing enough fuel pressure or fuel to get to the throttle body.

What I would do is have someone try to start the vehicle and watch the fuel injectors if possible to see if the car is getting enough fuel spray through the fuel injectors.

If not then your fuel injectors are either bad, clogged or you have a clogged fuel filter or bad fuel pump.

I once had a car that would only stay running if starting fluid was sprayed into the throttle body and when I watched the fuel injectors there  was just a tiny bit of fuel getting through the fuel injectors.

The problem turned out to be nearly clogged fuel injectors that needed a professional cleaning.

After cleaning the fuel injectors the car ran just fine.

Your fuel injectors should be putting out a good strong spray of gasoline to keep the vehicle running and when you step on the gas pedal the spray of the fuel should come through faster.

A few other things that can cause your vehicle to run rough or bog down and be hard to start and stay running are, ignition control module, ignition coils, bad throttle position sensor, vacuum leaks, bad intake gasket, bad coolant temperature sensor etc.

My bet though would be either the fuel pump is bad or you have clogged fuel injectors or bad fuel injectors or even a clogged fuel filter.

The vehicle has to get enough fuel spray to run properly and stay running.

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