Why are chip credit cards more secure?

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asked May 28, 2019 in Credit by Dwarfer778 (270 points)
Why are chip credit cards more secure?

1 Answer

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answered May 29, 2019 by Jamie (44,840 points)
Stripe Credit Cards usually only require a signature for purchase when in stores while a chip credit card adds an additional layer of security.

A chip credit card doesn't require swiping it however you can still swipe the chip credit card if the credit card reader at the place you're using the credit card doesn't have a chip credit card reader.

 When using a Chip Credit Card the chip adds an additional layer of sophisticated fraud protection through an embedded microchip that turns card member information into a unique code when used at a chip-enabled terminal that is difficult to duplicate or copy.   

So that makes the chip credit card more secure than a traditional credit card.

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