How much water does a sprinkler system use?

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asked May 23, 2019 in Gardening by charmdescaqkl (310 points)
How much water does a sprinkler system use?

1 Answer

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answered May 23, 2019 by Edwardhibip (320 points)
Watering a lawn using a sprinkler or sprinkler system takes around 62 gallons to 100 gallons of water and sometimes even more depending on the size of your lawn you're watering.

Larger lawns require more water than smaller lawns do and it also depends on how often the sprinkler systems run to water the lawn.

The average sprinkler and sprinkler system uses around 1,020 gallons per hour of run time so it can use more water to water your lawn than the 62 to 100 gallons depending on how long you let the sprinkler run.

If you run your in ground sprinklers or regular sprinkler for an hour each day 3 times per week then it can add up to 12,240 gallons per month of water usage.

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