How often should I water my raised garden?

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asked Apr 9, 2019 in Gardening by MistyT (310 points)
How often should I water my raised garden?

2 Answers

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answered Apr 9, 2019 by Carrie123 (14,510 points)
When you have a raised garden bed you usually need to water the garden in the raised garden once or twice per day during the hot weather and when it's more dry out.

Watering once in the morning and once in the evening is usually good enough and sometimes if the weather is not as dry or hot you may only need to water the raised garden every few days or twice per week.

Check the soil of the raised garden and if the soil is moist then it usually doesn't require any watering at that time but when the soil starts to dry out then you should water it.

Avoid over watering though as it can kill the plants in the raised garden.
0 votes
answered Aug 15, 2019 by Andret (4,200 points)

How much and how often you water depends on too many variables to give any prescriptive answer... you just have to see how your plants are responding. Ambient humidity, weather, etc. just vary too much. I recommend to search info about your plants online, there are many blogs about gardening. One of my favorite is Johnny Hunt blog, I found many useful info here.

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