Can the brain heal itself after trauma?

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asked Apr 2, 2019 in Other- Health by Carroll (300 points)
Can the brain heal itself after trauma?

2 Answers

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answered Apr 3, 2019 by TryoNight (510 points)
The brain is capable of healing itself after some trauma and brain injury by regrowing and rebuilding the dead brain cells but that can take a long time.

Also it depends on how severe the brain trauma is as if it was very severe brain trauma then the brain is unlikely to ever heal itself and repair itself completely enough to allow the person to have full brain health.

After severe brain trauma the person could be just like a vegetable and may not be able to speak, write, walk etc or do any of the normal tasks they would have been able to do before the brain trauma.

So if the brain trauma is not too severe then the patient may recover and be their normal selves but with more severe brain trauma the chance is less.
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answered Apr 10, 2019 by jane (4,950 points)
Traumatic brain injuries, even mild, can carry a serious threat to human health.  That is why the faster the patient falls into the hands of an experienced specialist, the greater the chances of a speedy recovery.  Treatment of traumatic brain injury depends on many factors: severity, age of the patient and the presence of other injuries and diseases.  With brain injury, first aid speed is very important.  Patients are prescribed medications that promote blood microcirculation and nootropic drugs at

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