Does wind chill actually make it colder?

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asked Mar 31, 2019 in Weather by epivuzeq (320 points)
Does wind chill actually make it colder?

1 Answer

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answered Mar 31, 2019 by lulumeon (40,870 points)
The temperature outside is the same even with the Wind Chill even though we feel colder.

When the wind is blowing it blows away our natural body heat so we feel much colder than it really is.

Just like a fan blows the heat away from our bodies to keep us cooler the wind blows that body heat we produce away from us so we feel colder than it really is.

The temperature is not as cold as we feel when it's cold outside but the wind is just blowing the heat away from us so we feel like it's colder than it really is.

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