How much water comes out of a fire hydrant per minute?

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asked Mar 22, 2019 in Mathematics by kinamo (210 points)
How much water comes out of a fire hydrant per minute?

1 Answer

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answered Mar 22, 2019 by 134piercey (1,530 points)
Fire hydrants such as the red fire hydrants typically has water pressure that comes out at 500 gallons of water per minute which is needed to put out a fire.

Some other fire hydrants such as blue topped fire hydrants can put out water at 1500 gallons per minute so some fire hydrants do supply more gallons per minute than other fire hydrants depending on the type of fire hydrant and location.

Water does come out of fire hydrants at a very high pressure though so it takes some skill to handle a fire hose that is connected to a fire hydrant because they can whip you around.

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