How many miles does an Uber driver drive per year?

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asked Feb 28, 2019 in General Travel by dareanaben (280 points)
How many miles does an Uber driver drive per year?

2 Answers

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answered Mar 1, 2019 by Judy (56,120 points)
If you're a full time Uber Driver you can rack up as many as 1,000 miles in one week driving people around to their destinations.

In a year that can translate to as much as 50,000 miles or more put on your vehicle being an Uber driver full time.

If you're part time Uber driver then you may only put 500 miles per week on your vehicle which is still quite a bit of miles.

But it's a good job and pays good so if you need some extra money or a full time job being an uber driver is a good idea.
0 votes
answered Aug 8, 2019 by swipka777 (6,100 points)

When you are working as an Uber driver, you can drive 1000 miles a week if I am not mistaken. But I will suggest reading vehicle requirements for uber to know what car you need to work there, how much miles you can drive and different other things.

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