How can I get a diaper punishment from my parents?

+1 vote
asked Jul 5, 2017 in Toddler/Preschooler by Cohen4321 (160 points)
How can I get a diaper punishment from my parents?

I'm a 13 year old diaper lover and want my parents to give me a diaper punishment? I want my parents to force me into wearing diapers and not be allowed to use the toilet.

I want my parents to force me to use my diapers and have the toilet off limits?

How can I get my parents to force me into diapers as a diaper punishment?

3 Answers

+1 vote
answered Jul 6, 2017 by Pamperslover (25,840 points)
Unless your parents know about diaper punishment then it will be hard for them to get you to wear diapers as a punishment.

You can tell them you want a diaper punishment after you do something to get punished for. Try back talking to your parents and don't do things they want you to do?

This might not get you a diaper punishment but it might just get you a spanking or a grounding.

When they punish you for something you done tell them that you'd like to wear diapers as a punishment.
They might make you wear the diapers then they might not.

If you want to wear diapers though then you can just buy them yourself and wear them in private.
0 votes
answered Aug 27, 2018 by Alxie (180 points)
I don't think telling your parents about the punishment would work. It will just be clear you want it if you suggest it. I think you should try to give hints that you would hate this punishment. Do this around your parents like act like your on the phone or just talk out loud but not loudly. If you do that for a month then get in big trouble you most likely will be diaper punished. You have to act like you don't like it though that's the only hard part.
0 votes
answered Jan 4, 2019 by diaperkid13 (250 points)
I started deliberately wetting my pants during the day on my way to the bathroom and I would also just sit at the computer and pee my pants and act like I couldn't help peeing my pants.

My parents bought me diapers and make me wear Parents Choice size 7 diapers all day.

I cannot wear pants over the diaper at home and must use the diaper for both wetting and messing now and I love it and would not want to go back to using the toilet.

So try purposely wetting your pants or even pooping your pants and your parents just might start making you wear diapers.

It may take awhile though or you could write your parents an email or send them a text stating you want to wear diapers and ask them if they will buy you some diapers.

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