What do you do when it's too cold outside?

+1 vote
asked Jan 30, 2019 in Weather by Hausermanni (250 points)
What do you do when it's too cold outside?

2 Answers

0 votes
answered Jan 30, 2019 by BryonMcKellar (360 points)
It's very cold here with dangerous wind chills today and it's below freezing as in - 15 F today for the high so today is a great day to stay inside where the nice warm central natural gas heating is and not venture outside.

I do step outside for a few minutes though just to get some fresher air but not for very long as it's too cold.

Today since it's very cold out I'm watching Youtube videos, browsing the internet, streaming Netflix, cleaning up the house and doing some indoor projects that need to get done.

You could also curl up on the couch or in a favorite comfortable chair and read books, or read books on a tablet or just search things on the internet and learn some new things.

You could also go through stuff that you're not using anymore and either put them in a box to give away or throw away.
0 votes
answered Jan 30, 2019 by Decagon9l (400 points)
I get more done around the inside of the house when it's cold outside such as cleaning, getting the dishes done, dusting, vacuuming, mopping the floors etc.

I also watch Netflix, Youtube, and visit websites and forums or do some drawing.

Even curling up on the couch and drinking some hot chocolate while reading my Kindle or watching TV is a good way to pass the time and stay out of the cold weather.

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