Does direct burial cable need conduit?

+1 vote
asked Jan 13, 2019 in Do it yourself by BluZazz (220 points)
Does direct burial cable need conduit?

Do you need to put direct burial electric wire inside conduit or is it okay to bury the wire directly into the ground?

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Jan 13, 2019 by InnostianMaf (370 points)
Direct Burial Electric or other Direct Burial Cable doesn't need to be buried in conduit since the Direct Burial wire is made to be direct buried as the name suggests.

If you bury direct bury cable you need to bury the direct bury cable a minimum of 2 feet deep which is also 24 inches but if you put the direct burial cable into conduit you can bury the wire and conduit at only 18 inches deep.

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