Does staying inside a house all of the time lead to insanity?

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asked Jan 8, 2019 in Mental Health by Squishybumbum (220 points)
Does staying inside a house all of the time lead to insanity?

1 Answer

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answered Jan 9, 2019 by ShaylaVub (370 points)
Staying inside the house all of the time and hardly ever leaving can mess with your brain and lead to insanity eventually.

Just think about some prisoners who're not allowed to go outside except maybe once every 23 hours and are locked inside a prison cell for a long time.

Those people eventually go insane.

But if you're at home you always have the option to leave the house and go anywhere you want so you don't have to stay inside the house and can leave at anytime which you should.

There are some days when I never leave the house because it's too cold or the weather is just too bad to be outside but I do eventually go outside otherwise I would start to go crazy.

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