How much does it cost to replace a water line to a house?

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asked Jun 30, 2017 in Maintenance/Repairs by hbk (460 points)
How much does it cost to replace a water line to a house?
My water line is galvanized steel and I believe it's rusting on the inside preventing good water pressure. I'm looking to replace the water line soon.

How much would a plumber charge to replace dig up this old water line and replace it?

1 Answer

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answered Jul 14, 2017 by Lilly21 (57,780 points)
The last time I had my water line replaced to my house it cost me $2,000.00

It depends on the state you're in and how deep the plumber has to dig and how many feet long it is from your water meter until it gets to your house.

Some people report paying up to $4,000.00 for a water line replacement.

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