Can you get an aneurysm from stress?

+1 vote
asked Dec 16, 2018 in Diseases Conditions by PelletierVincient (280 points)
Can you get an aneurysm from stress?

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Dec 16, 2018 by rexnopcabiso (290 points)
Yes being stressed out too much can cause your blood pressure to rise which can eventually but always result in a brain aneurysm which can be deadly.

Stress is very harmful to health so it's best to try and avoid stress as much as possible and do things to relax because when your blood pressure goes up in puts more pressure on your heart as well and could cause blood vessels to even rupture.

If you experience symptoms of a brain aneurysm such as pain that occurs above or behind your eye or a headache that occurs in only one spot then a doctors visit or an emergency room visit is needed right away because brain aneurysms typically don't give any warning before they rupture and if you do experience those symptoms of a brain aneurysm then it's likely been ruptured.

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