How to get rid of hickies?

+1 vote
asked Nov 11, 2018 in Body/Skin by Chike099 (290 points)
How to get rid of hickies?

What are some ways to get rid of hickies?

2 Answers

0 votes
answered Nov 11, 2018 by linda (29,790 points)
Hickeys can be embarrassing at times and even painful but hickeys are not harmful and usually go away on their own within a week or two.

However you can use some home remedies for getting the hickey to go away faster than waiting it out.

An easy way of getting rid of hickey's in one day is to take a spoon and wrap the spoon in a piece of cloth and then gently rub the hickey with the spoon and cloth.

This will help reduce the swelling of the hickey and cause it to go away.

You can also wrap some ice in a cloth and then apply the ice to the hickey as the ice will reduce the hickey overnight.

Another option for getting rid of a hickey is to use some peppermint based toothpaste and apply the peppermint toothpaste directly to the hickey and leave it on the hickey and it will tingle for a bit and eventually the hickey will go away.

After the toothpaste stops tingling then you can wash the toothpaste off and you may have to apply the toothpaste a few times for the hickey to go away but it will work.
0 votes
answered Nov 11, 2018 by Haliaxu8 (480 points)
I use the toothpaste method for getting rid of hickeys on my skin and it works great although you'll feel a little tingle which is normal.

My hickey went away the next day after leaving the toothpaste on overnight.

Although you can remove the toothpaste from your hickey sooner if you want but I found it made the hickey go away sooner leaving it on overnight and then applying some more the next day.

You do have to use the peppermint toothpaste though as other toothpaste won't be as effective at getting rid of the hickey.

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