Is it cheaper to live in a mobile home instead of a regular house?

+1 vote
asked Oct 29, 2018 in Real Estate - Renting by CharlieSkinner (220 points)
Is it cheaper to live in a mobile home instead of a regular house?

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Oct 29, 2018 by kopertf (280 points)
Mobile homes can be cheaper to live in instead of a site built home and one of those reasons for mobile homes being cheaper to live in is due to the real estate taxes.

On my site built home I was paying $4,000.00 per year in Real Estate taxes which was getting hard for me to pay so I moved into a mobile home after I bought some land and moved a used mobile home onto the land.

I paid $8,000.00 for the used mobile home which I would've paid in 2 years in Real Estate taxes on the site built home.

I paid $2,000.00 for the land the mobile home sits on.

So now I pay $40.00 per year in taxes on the land and only $60.00 per year for personal property taxes on the mobile home.

So in total I pay $100.00 per year in taxes to live in my mobile home instead of the site built home so that saves me $3,900.00 in taxes alone.

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