Why does the brain swell after TBI?

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asked May 4 in Other- Health by Retrobait (1,520 points)
Why does the brain swell after TBI?

1 Answer

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answered May 6 by Weewun (8,750 points)
The reason the brain swells after TBI is because the brain undergoes a delayed trauma and pushes itself against your skull and reduces the flow of oxygen rich blood which is called a secondary injury and is often more damaging than the primary injury is itself.

A traumatic brain injury, or TBI, is an injury to the brain that affects how the brain works.

TBI or traumatic brain injuries are a major cause of death and disability in the United States.

Traumatic brain injuries often occur as a result of a severe sports injury or car accident.

Immediate or delayed symptoms of traumatic brain injuries may include confusion, blurry vision, and concentration difficulty. Infants may cry persistently or be irritable.

Treatments for traumatic brain injuries involve rest, medication, and surgery.

Long term effects of traumatic brain injuries include.

Memory loss.
Visual changes.
Balance problems.

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