How to tell if someone has brain damage?

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asked May 3 in Other- Health by Teenappti (2,100 points)
How to tell if someone has brain damage?

1 Answer

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answered May 3 by 1961waggy (27,370 points)
You can tell if someone has brain damage by the signs and symptoms of brain damage which include the inability to wake up from sleep, clear fluids draining from the ears or nose, dilation of one or both of the pupils of the eyes, convulsions or seizures, repeated vomiting or nausea, persistent headache or headache which gets worse and loss of consciousness that lasts from several minutes to several hours.

You cannot reverse brain damage although medical treatments can stop further damage to the brain and limit any functional loss from the brain damage.

The brain itself though can heal some after brain damage but the amount it heals depends on how severe the brain damage is.

After a brain injury it takes around 6 months for the brain to rewire after a brain injury and then it can take a few years or longer to completely heal after the brain injury.

The brain heals after trauma through the help of neuroplasticity which allows your brain to create new pathways and also strengthen existing pathways which enables the healthy parts of your brain to compensate for any damaged areas of the brain.

The 3 traumatic brain injuries are Mild TBI or Concussion brain injuries, Moderate TBI brain injuries and Severe TBI brain injuries.

The most serious type of brain injury is diffuse brain injuries because they most often affect the parts of your brain which control, swallowing, talking, higher cognitive function, breathing, movement and other important tasks.

Diffuse brain injuries are also known as shearing brain injuries as it is the shearing or tearing of the brain's long connecting nerve fibers called axons which happens when your brain is injured as it shifts and rotates inside the bony skull.

Diffuse brain injuries often result in coma and injury to many other different parts of the brain.

When you hit your head and can't remember it's called amnesia which is where the person cannot remember what happened immediately before or after the injury.

People with concussions often have a brief period of amnesia as a concussion can also affect memory, reflexes, judgement, speech, balance and muscle coordination.

Stage 1 brain damage is also referred to as a coma and is when someone appears to be in a deep sleep but does not respond to stimulation or sounds.

While in the coma the persons brain is not functioning at the normal level and there is a limited ability to take in information or respond to touch, sound or light.

A level 1 brain injury is when a person with the brain injury appears to be in a deep sleep and does not respond to light, touch, sounds or voices.

The 5 danger signs of a head injury are loss of consciousness, blurred or double vision, confusion, Trouble focusing and unusually sized pupils.

You should go to the hospital if you hit your head hard as you may have a concussion or brain bleed and not know it.

However if you simply hit your head slightly such as hitting your head on a table, door etc then you don't need to go to the hospital.

But if you fell and hit your head or hit your head hard then you should go to the hospital to get checked out just to be safe.

When you go to the ER for a concussion the ER doctor will check your reflexes, pupil size and coordination.

The ER doctor will also test your memory and your ability to recall information and if your symptoms are severe enough your doctor may also order imaging exams such as a CT scan to test for concussions at the time of the brain injury.

A violent or shaking brain injury is known as a concussion which is the most common type of head injury and is also known as a traumatic brain injury or TBI which occurs when your brain is shaken or jarred hard enough to bounce against your skull which can range from mild to severe.

A jarring injury to the brain that affects normal brain function is a concussion.

A jarring injury to the brain that is the most common type of head injury is a concussion.

A jarring injury to the brain that can cause unconsciousness is a concussion which can result from sports injuries, vehicle accidents, assault, falls or other direct injuries to the head or skull.

The big movement to the brain in any direction which is called jarring can cause someone to lose consciousness.

Jarring of the brain means a big movement of the brain in any direction which can cause someone to lose alertness or become unconscious.

Jarring of the brain which can lead to a concussion can result from sports activities, vehicle accidents, assault, falls or other direct injury to the head or skull.

Concussion is also known as a jarring injury to the brain and most times people with a jarring injury to the brain remain conscious.

A person who has a jarring of the brain may feel dazed, experience headaches, have visual changes, neck pain or other changes in their cognitive function and may also experience a brain contusion which is a bruise of the brain.

Mild traumatic brain injuries may affect the brain cells temporarily.

And more-serious traumatic brain injuries can result in bruising, torn tissues, bleeding and other physical damage to the brain.

These injuries can result in long-term complications or even death.

A concussion is a type of traumatic brain injury or TBI (Traumatic Brain Injury) that is caused by a bump, blow, or jolt to the head or by a hit to the body that causes the head and brain to move rapidly back and forth.

Most concussions usually only lasts up to few days or weeks.

Although it sometimes needs emergency treatment and some people can have longer-lasting problems.

An important part of treatment for a concussion is getting plenty of rest, both sleep at night and naps or rest breaks during the day if needed.

A doctor will probably tell you to avoid certain physical activities and sports while you recover and may suggest medicine to take if you have a headache.

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