What is a natural alternative to heartworm prevention?

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asked Apr 28 in Dogs by SV388999 (1,920 points)
What is a natural alternative to heartworm prevention?

1 Answer

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answered May 20 by Allograft (4,000 points)
A natural alternative to heartworm prevention is to use some essential oils that are diluted and spray them on your dogs or cats fur to repel the mosquitoes and feed your dog or cat a high quality diet and for dogs you should feed them raw meat and bones.

A natural way to prevent heartworm is to do your best to keep mosquitoes away and get rid of any standing water that is close to your home or where your dog is.

You can also use natural mosquito repellents on your dog such as Neem oil and CedarCide to keep mosquitoes away from your dog or cat so they won't get bitten.

Dogs get heartworm usually in the spring and summer months when mosquitoes are most prevalent

Mosquito bites to dogs is what leads to and causes heartworm so dogs tend to get heartworm once the mosquitoes come out.

Although they could still get heartworm in winter if you live in a warm climate and mosquitoes are active.

A dog with heartworms is sometimes in pain as heartworm in dogs can become painful if the dogs heart becomes very enlarged or if the migration of the heartworm suddenly occurs and causes issues in the blood vessels.

The signs of heartworm in a dog are a mild persistent cough, reluctance to exercise, fatigue after moderate activity, decreased appetite, and weight loss.

As the heartworm disease in dogs progresses they may develop heart failure and have a swollen belly as a result of excess fluid in the abdomen.

A dog with heartworm may also have fatigue after moderate activity and a decreased appetite.

Heartworm in dogs is known as a silent killer, because the heartworm disease can take months before the dog shows symptoms.

In the early stages of heartworm infection, most dogs show little to no symptoms at all, and the more the disease progresses, the more likely apparent symptoms will develop.

Multiple drugs can kill heartworms in dogs and heartworm treatment has a high success rate.

Heartworm treatment for dogs typically uses melarsomine and/or ivermectin.

Some dogs will also receive an antibiotic.

Melarsomine (often prescribed by its brand name, immiticide) injections treat adult worms and late-stage larvae.

The cough associated with heartworm disease in dogs is often likened to the sound of a goose honking.

If your dog tends to get into coughing fits after activity or eating, and if those coughs sound harsh and honk-like, then she may have heartworm disease or another heart related concern.

Heartworm cannot be seen in dogs poop because heartworms do not live in the gastrointestinal (GI) tract, and are not found in feces.

Lethargy and reluctance to exercise are common signs described in dogs with advanced heartworm disease.

If your dog loses interest in going for walks or is fatigued after activity, it may be a sign of heartworm disease.

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