Which immune deficiency can result in cytoskeletal defect?

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asked Feb 25 in Science by sezro833 (1,940 points)
Which immune deficiency can result in cytoskeletal defect?

1 Answer

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answered Feb 27 by Alyssa1gph (11,490 points)
The immune deficiency that can result in cytoskeletal defect is DOCK8 Deficiency.

DOCK8 deficiency is a rare immune disorder named after the mutated gene responsible for the disease.

People with the DOCK8 Deficiency have lower-than-normal numbers of immune cells, which have a diminished capacity to move through dense tissues like the skin.

The human diseases that are related to cytoskeleton malfunction are spastic paraplegias, spinocerebellar ataxias, and mental retardation.

The cytoskeleton is a structure that helps cells maintain their shape and internal organization, and it also provides mechanical support that enables cells to carry out essential functions like division and movement.

The cytoskeleton in an animal cell is located in the cytoplasm.

The cytoskeleton can be found under the plasma membrane and nucleus for structure and support, and to help link cells to each other or the extracellular matrix.

The cytoskeleton is a structure that helps cells maintain their shape and internal organization, and it also provides mechanical support that enables cells to carry out essential functions like division and movement.

A cytoskeleton provides a structural framework for the cell, serving as a scaffold that determines cell shape and the general organization of the cytoplasm.

In addition to playing this structural role, the cytoskeleton is responsible for cell movements.

The cytoskeleton is a fascinating structure found in every cell of the human body.

Composed of protein filaments, it provides structural support, controls cellular motility, and facilitates intracellular transport.

Despite its crucial role, the cytoskeleton often goes unnoticed, overshadowed by other organelles.

There are three components of cytoskeletal components- microtubules, microfilaments, and intermediary filaments.

Despite the “micro” in their name, microtubules are the largest of the three types of cytoskeletal fibers, with a diameter of about 25 nm.

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