What does a CV joint sound like when it is bad?

+1 vote
asked Sep 19, 2018 in Other-Cars/Transportation by Swingyoo (240 points)
What does a CV joint sound like when it is bad?

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Sep 20, 2018 by Grahlu (51,270 points)
The most common symptom of a bad or failing CV Joint is a clicking sound that is audible when you make a turn.

A few other signs and symptoms of a bad or failing CV Joint is A grinding noise or a popping sound while driving.

When your CV Joints become worn out they make a clicking noise and when they start clicking or making other sounds then you need to get the CV Joint or CV Joints replaced as soon as possible before you're left stranded on the side of the road.

The CV Joints and CV Axles are what drives and propels your vehicle down the road.

CV Axles must be replaced and cannot be repaired and replacement costs between $200.00 to $400.00 per CV Axle depending on make and model of car and what the shops hourly rates are.

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