What are the symptoms of stage 1 breast cancer?

+1 vote
asked Aug 28, 2018 in Womans Health by fero98 (230 points)
What are the symptoms of stage 1 breast cancer?

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Aug 29, 2018 by SelinaWoods (330 points)
Some symptoms to look for when you think you may have stage 1 breast cancer are, lumps in your armpit or in your breasts, inverted nipples, bloody discharge from your nipples, sore nipples or other breast pain, swollen lymph nodes in the armpit or neck, changes in the shape or size of your breast or nipples and dimpling or an orange peel like texture of your breasts skin.

If you think you may have stage 1 breast cancer or notice any of the above stage 1 breast cancer symptoms you should make an appointment to see a doctor to get a breast examination done.

Most times when breast cancer is caught soon enough it can be treated and you can live longer.

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