How many years does it take to become a helicopter pilot?

+1 vote
asked Aug 16, 2018 in Aircraft by Duckbrick (250 points)
How many years does it take to become a helicopter pilot?

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Aug 16, 2018 by Prigen (12,000 points)
If you want to just get a private pilots license to fly a helicopter as a hobby then you don't need college education or degrees and just need the pilots license for helicopters.

Students must be at least 17 years old, obtain a FAA medical certificate and pass a FAA written test.

Additionally, the student must take at least 40 hours of flight time, 10 of which must be solo flight time.

As part of those 40 hours, the student must do three hours of dual cross-country flying, three hours of dual nighttime flying and three hours of solo cross-country flying.

The student must also do at least one 75-nautical mile cross-country flight and perform three solo takeoffs and landings.

For the person who wants to be a Helicopter pilot and wants to make flying a career  you must earn a commercial helicopter pilot license.

Getting A commercial license requires the student to be at least 18 years old, hold a private helicopter pilot license and FAA medical certificate and complete ground instruction.

After following all training hours, the student must then pass the FAA written knowledge, oral and practical tests. Students need to complete 20 hours dual flight training, including one dual cross-county and one solo cross-country flight and 10 hours of instrument training.

The student must also do at least 10 hours of solo flight training and 100 hours as a pilot-in-command.

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